With ignorance of Sickle Cell so rife and misconceptions so pervasive, the African Sickle Cell News & World Report – in collaboration with our partners – has launched this site to provide free access to past, current and future editions of Sickle Cell News. Irrespective of your genotype or geographical location, you can be a silent ambassador to help intensify and propagate awareness of the world’s most-commonly inherited blood disorder.

Press Release



….. No registration, no reroute, no payment, and no delay!

As World Sickle Cell Awareness Day approaches, the management of African Sickle Cell News & World Report (Sickle Cell News) has approved the provision of free seamless access to editions of the news-magazine. The aim of this seminal approach to sickle cell awareness is to raise the bar of public education about the world’s most-commonly inherited (but largely neglected) blood disorder. By this means, individuals and families directly or indirectly affected, estimated to be more than 100 million worldwide, will have the opportunity to download and share the free editions provided.

Coming without the need for registration, confirmation, or reroute, the download of each edition is effective within 15 seconds of landing on the customized webpage at https://education.sicklecellnews.com/magazines/

The contents of the free downloads and indeed the entire newsmagazine are targeted less at the millions who live with SCD worldwide but at the many more millions who ‘carry’ the sickle cell trait unaware.

Ignorance of genotype – or inattention thereof – is rife worldwide, irrespective of educational or income level or residence. You would find the same level of ignorance/inattention in so-called advanced countries as in Less Developed Countries.

Geographical Distribution of SCD

It is estimated that 20% of the world’s population carries an abnormal hemoglobin. Sickle Cell and its variant hemoglobinopathies affects all races but is more prevalent among Africans and tribal Indians at home or in diaspora. Included among these are people of African or Indian descent wherever they dwell. To a lesser extent SCD also affects Arabs, Jews, Hispanics, southern Europeans, Asiatic Indians, just to name a few.

With an estimated 3 to 5 million citizens living with sickle cell anaemia and more than 50 million with Sickle Cell Trait (SCT), the West African country of Nigeria is the world’s SCD capital. In close trail are other countries such as Tanzania, DR Congo and India.

About World Sickle Cell Day

June 19 of every year was designated World Sickle Cell Day by the United Nations/WHO in 2008 and the first celebrations took place in 2009.

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Dubbing SCD a ‘global public health priority’, the UN encourages robust SCD awareness activities worldwide, particularly in countries more severely impacted. It encourages governments at all level, corporate institutions and charities to support efforts to accentuate research, public education as well as help alleviate the impact of SCD on individuals and families.

About African Sickle Cell News & World Report (formerly The Sickle Cell Journal)

Established in 2007, the African Sickle Cell News and World Report is the world’s first news-magazine dedicated to the world’s most-commonly inherited blood disorder. Better known as Sickle Cell News, it’s Founder/Editor, Ayoola Olajide once stated the magazine was, outside research, Africa’s contribution to global SCD awareness/education.